Macdown app
Macdown app

macdown app

New file not created when being opened.Unhideable panes on new window after a panel is hidden, the window closes, and a new window is opened.Some usability issues with the CLI utility.Visit our project page if you would like to help translating MacDown to your language: Or, if you prefer to buy me a drink personally instead, just send me a tweet when you visit Taipei, Taiwan, where I live.MacDown now has i18n! Thanks to all people giving feedback on this issue, and all our contributors on Transifex. If you find MacDown suitable for your needs, please consider giving me a tip through PayPal. I will do what I can if you report it here, but sometimes it can be more beneficial to interact with them directly. If you find problems when using those particular features, you can also consider reporting them directly to upstream projects as well as to MacDown’s issue tracker. MacDown depends a lot on other open source projects, such as Hoedown for Markdown-to-HTML rendering, Prism for syntax highlighting (in code blocks), and PEG Markdown Highlight for editor highlighting. MacDown does not update in your computer immediately when we make changes, so something you experienced might be known, or even fixed in the development version. But please, search first to make sure no-one has reported the same issue already before opening one yourself. You can also file an issue directly on GitHub if you prefer so. Join our Gitter channel if you have any problems with MacDown. If you failed to compile without it, please install CLT with Note: The Command Line Tools (CLT) should be unnecessary. Please use Bundler to execute CocoaPods, or make sure your CocoaPods is later than shown in Gemfile.lock. Note: Old versions of CocoaPods are not supported. If you wish to build MacDown yourself, you will need the following components/tools: The following editor themes and CSS files are extracted from Mou, courtesy of Chen Luo: You may find full text of licenses about third-party components in the LICENSE directory, or the About MacDown panel in the application. You may find the content of the license here, or inside the LICENSE directory.

macdown app

MacDown is released under the terms of MIT License.

Macdown app